Category Archives: Microenterprise

Logan Square Kitchen

Logan Square Kitchen (LSK) offers a beautiful private event space that supports a commercial kitchen shared by small food businesses.

Known as a “shared-use kitchen, rental kitchen or contract kitchen,” LSK gives food entrepreneurs access to a commercial kitchen on an hourly basis–long before they could afford it.  As a greenhouse for little businesses, we give culinary talent a place to develop.

The dining room is available for small receptions, corporate dinners and meetings, cocktail or cooking parties. Booking an event here supports our local food economy and does it sustainably.  They are the only LEED Gold private event space in Chicago, certified by US Green Building Council.

LSK presents public events that celebrate our local food community, showcasing chefs and food artisans.  It’s a vessel for education about sustainability, our food system, green

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Filed under Community Space, Cooking, Event, Microenterprise, Rental/Shared-Use Kitchen, Restaurant/Dining, Sustainable Construction

Heifer Project International

Heifer Project International‘s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth.

With gifts of livestock and training, they help communities in the US and abroad improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. Animals are referred to as “living loans” because in exchange for their livestock and training, projects agree to give one of its animal’s offspring to another family in need. It’s called Passing on the Gift – a cornerstone of our mission that creates an ever-expanding network of hope and peace.

Heifer has provided livestock (worms) and other resources to urban agricultural projects in Chicago, including start-up support for Growing Power and Growing Home.

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Filed under Beekeeping, Grants, Livestock, Microenterprise, Social Enterprise, Technical & Resource Assistance

Cob Connection

Cob Connection works to create food secure communities and healthy green space in low-income food deserts in inner city Chicago. They hire ex-offenders and others who are hard to employ, and teach them organic farming, tree stewardship and sustainable building techniques.

By providing education, marketable skills and a steady paycheck, we offer our interns the opportunity give back to the local economy. We also offer monthly workshops to members of the local food pantry, who have continual farm access to harvest fresh food for their families.

Cob Connection uses agroforestry and microenterprise to diversify neighborhood income strains while helping counteract the ecological, sociological and economic burdens of the barren urban heat island.

We draw our inspiration from cob, a traditional natural building material repurposed to address the pressing needs of modern society. Made from clay, sand and straw, cob is sustainable, durable, and accessible; it provides families with aesthetically beautiful, low cost, low tech shelter with minimal impact on the environment. Like the soil that feeds our crops, cob uses the substance of the earth to nurture and grow our communities.

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Filed under Agriculture, Ex-offenders, Food Desert, Food Pantry, Job Training, Microenterprise, Sustainable Construction, Workshops